RFTIT Tumblr Weeklyish Roundup

Hey, folks! The books have arrived for my signatures, and it’s an intimidating pile. In the mean-time, here are some Tumblrs for your enjoyment.



Vox Populi, Vox Deii: Elections in ASOIAF, Part II

Image result for the hustings goarth


For his second foray into electioneering in AFFC, George R.R Martin clearly decided to go with a simpler model that would (among other things) require less math than the repeated ballots of the Night’s Watch, one that harkens back to the elections and democratic processes of the (early) Middle Ages.

As I talked about in Part I, the Althing of Iceland dates back to the 10th century as an example of medieval popular assemblies, but the althing was but one of a number of assemblies that existed across a wide swathe of Europe, from the British Isles (both by way of the Anglo-Saxons who brought the folkmoots over from Saxony in the 5th century, becoming the Witenaġemots of the 7th through 11th centuries, and by way of the Danes who brought the thing to Scotland, the Danelaw, and even the Isle of Man) to the veches of Novgorod.

But by whatever name they were called, these assemblies had certain features in common. First, emerging out of their initial purpose as a common venue for addressing inter- and intra-tribal feuds that would otherwise lead to blood feuds, they were judicial bodies. Second, they had the authority to “ceosan to cynige” (choose the king) and depose them, as happened to Sigeberht of Wessex and Alhred of Northumbria, for example. Third, the assemblies acted as the assembled political class who were there to advise the monarch and lend their blessings to his decrees.

And most importantly for the subject of this essay, at least in the beginning – before the rise of feudalism gave more authority to the leading thanes, earls, and ealdormen, and the coming of Christianity meant that the bishops, archbishops, and abbots joined the assemblies – they consisted of the entire free population of the hundred, province, or kingdom, who were (at least in Scandinavia) advised by the lawspeakers, the wise men who memorized and recited the previous laws decided by the things of ages past.

So how does the Kingsmoot stack up to these real-world moots?

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RFTIT Tumblr Weeklyish Roundup

Hey folks, I want to let people know that, now that Volumes I and II of Race for the Iron Throne are in print, my editor and I are working on Kickstarter fulfillment: first, we’re working on putting in orders for all the people who ordered print copies, which we’ll ship directly to their addresses; second, we’re also putting in orders for people who ordered signed copies, which will be shipped to me so I can sign them and then ship them out.

In the mean time, we’ve got some tumblrs:



Chapter-by-Chapter Analysis: Jon III, ASOS

jon ygritte

“His guilt came back afterward, but weaker than before. If this was so wrong, why did the gods make it feel so good?”

Synopsis: “Oh sweet mystery of life, at last I’ve found you…”

SPOILER WARNING: This chapter analysis, and all following, will contain spoilers for all Song of Ice and Fire novels and Game of Thrones episodes. Caveat lector.

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Race for the Iron Throne Volume I Now In Print!

I am very happy to announce that Race for the Iron Throne, Volume I is now in print! And unlike Volume II, this one didn’t have to be chopped into two books to stay under binding limits.

As before, I have an ask for all of you: if you’ve not had a chance to get your copy through the Kickstarter, please buy my book. And then, regardless of whether you’ve bought your book through the Kickstarter or through Amazon, please rate and review the book on Amazon and help spread the word about the book.

And for those of you who ordered a copy through the Kickstarter, you don’t need to buy a copy seperately (although if you want to get more copies for friends and family, I won’t say no), my editor and I will be gearing up to ship those out to you very soon.

So check it out!

Vox Populi, Vox Deorum: Elections in ASOIAF, Part I

Image result for the hustings goarth


As a historian, one of the steepest hurdles and most fascinating mysteries I deal with is how to overcome the gap in patterns of thought between the past and the present that have convinced so many that “the past is a foreign country.” So many beliefs and attitudes that we today consider to be universal human characteristics or values turn out to be bounded by culture and epoch, so often historians and our students struggle mightily to understand the mindset of the people we study. This also affects works of art set in long-distant periods: how do creators make these characters understandable and sympathetic while still being recognizably premodern without falling into the trap of putting modern characters in period drag.

Indeed, one of the ways that George R.R Martin grounds the reader in the world of Westeros is to confront us with the foreignness of his characters’ thinking. An excellent example of this is the way that sympathetic characters like Tyrion or Jon view democracy as backwards and barbaric and see their own feudal order as modern and enlightened. Indeed, there is good historical basis for this: up until the late 19th century, democracy was seen as a pejorative term, a slur thrown at political reformers from the Jacobin left all the way to constitutional monarchists by various absolutist monarchists.

And yet, electoral politics did not spring forth from the ground fully formed in 1776 or 1865 or 1920 or 1965 (if it ever had). Long after the passing of the Athenian demos or the Roman res publica, medieval societies retained some aspect of electoral or at least selectoral politics. In the early Middle Ages, prior to the emergence of established dynasties, there were quite a few elective monarchies, where groups of warriors and warlords would acclaim one of their number king on the basis of their generosity as a “ring-giver” (more on this when we get to the Kingsmoot). And while the Vikings were disdained as heathen barbarians by Christian Europe during the 8th century, the Allthing of Iceland stands as the oldest parliamentary body in the world, having been founded in 930 CE. On the continent, Parliaments emerged out of assemblies of nobles at the outset of the 14th century, as kings sought to increase compliance with taxation. And in towns and cities across Europe, you had elections in craft guilds and municipal governments.

Westeros is no exception.

However, elections come in many different forms, in no small part because people have conflicting ideas about how they should work – who should be eligible to vote, how voting should take place, whether the winner should be decided by simple majority or some proportional system, whether elections should be geographically specific or at-large, whether voters should choose elected officials directly or indirectly, whether individual candidates or formal candidates should appear on the ballot, who should be eligible to hold office and how they should be nominated to run, and so on. Indeed, the great economist Kenneth Arrow famously theorized that there is no way to resolve these contradictions in a way that satisfies everyone.

Thus, in this essay series, I’m going to examine GRRM’s use of elections in ASOIAF – who’s eligible to vote and run for office, how voting is carried out, how many votes you need to win, but more importantly how GRRM uses elections to advance ideas and themes within his series.

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Non-ASOIAF Content Corner: Avengers Infinity War Edition

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So a whole lot of people went to go see Avengers: Infinity War over the weekend, and I was one of them so that I could discuss the film with the good folks at Graphic Policy Radio. We talk about the movie for about an hour and a half, and we get very, very spoilery. So definitely give a listen only if you’ve seen the film and follow comic book movie news, or if you don’t care about spoilers at all.


Chapter-by-Chapter Analysis: Davos III, ASOS


“I am the king’s man, and I will make no peace without his leave.”

Synopsis: Davos has his first dialogue with Polemarchus and his second dialogue with Adeimantus.

SPOILER WARNING: This chapter analysis, and all following, will contain spoilers for all Song of Ice and Fire novels and Game of Thrones episodes. Caveat lector.

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